
What’s happening to me!

00690_DSC_7142-1504017670-OOur honeymoon in France was AMAZING!  And when we got back we had a house full of new toys via our registry (which it only took us 2 1/2 months to thank people for – I’m pretty sure Ms. Post didn’t just roll over in her grave, she did a full round off back handspring)  It was FALL, my favorite time of year. We took a trip out to Alstede Farms in New Jersey about an hour from where we live to pick apples and pumpkins.  Then we came home and I made some apple crisp…and it was all downhill from there.

Next thing I know I was cooking meals (or trying to), ordering recipe books, shopping at Home Goods and TJ Maxx for holiday decor, putting halloween candy out for the 5 kids that live in our building, baking sugar cookies and sending them to work with my husband, cleaning, wanting to hang drapes and getting upset that we didn’t have photos hanging on our walls….

I had all these “urges” to be “domestic”… I had no idea what was happening to me, but at the same time I found that I kind of liked it: being domestic, that is.  I know, scary.  Not sure If it’s cause I just turned 29 and my estrogen levels are out of whack.  Or maybe just all the new toys to play with (a.k.a. actual pots and pans, serve ware, pottery barn dishes…)  but I was totally digging this new domestic stuff.  I was learning how to cook, and actually doing well at it!  I was inspired to make a home with Micah, and finally felt like maybe I wouldn’t be a train wreck of a mom with the smelly kid someday.

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  • Treadmill reviews
    December 1, 2011 at 9:59 am

    I suggest adding a facebook like button for the blog!