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Family Lindsey's Lowdown Living Wellness

Reflecting on 2018: A Year of Perspective

It’s New Years Eve eve.  It’s that time of the year when we all sit down and reflect on our most recent journey around the sun. For me, 2018 was a year of LIFE and I’m grateful for every moment. I could sit here and write about how in 2018 my husband, the sole breadwinner in our family, was laid off.  I could write about how we were almost homeless and how we had to say goodbye to our beloved…

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Family Living

No, I’m Not Hoping for a Girl

No, I’m not crossing my fingers and hoping for a baby girl.  I’m not pregnant with a third because I am trying for a girl.  And no, I’m not going to keep having babies until I have a girl.…

Living Wellness

The shootings need to stop.

I saw an image this morning. It was heartbreaking. It wasn’t of bloodied bodies. It wasn’t of crying families mourning victims. Yes, those are devastating beyond measure. But this image cut through me. The reality of the insanity of…