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Family Friday Favorites Obsessions Style

Baby Gear Essentials – What you REALLY Need

Three months in with baby number 3, I have a new-found perspective on what baby gear we actually NEED. And I’ll tell you a secret – it’s not much. Some of the moms from my son’s preschool wanted to throw me a little sprinkle before E was born and asked what I needed, and quite honestly I couldn’t answer, because we really didn’t “need” anything. What I have found is that with our third kiddo in tow we use far…

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Family Obsessions

Getting our Preschooler to sleep with Sleeper Hero

We don’t sleep.  At all.  Haven’t in approximately 4 years.  We tried and failed at ‘sleep training’ multiple times.  We finally got our first-born sleeping alone in his bed right before the new baby arrived…and then it all went…