Nothing says fall like a pumpkin patch in 90 degree heat – at least that’s how we roll in Los Angeles. There are many things this East Coast girl misses on the left coast, and fall is definitely top of the list. The first crisp in the air, the smell of winter around the corner (and yes, it has a smell), picking apples, the list goes on. We have been in Los Angeles for 5 years now, and I’ve managed to…
things to do
Time to start crossing some bucket list items off our list! Starting with pumpkins of course. Los Angeles has been MELTING with an insanely stifling heat wave – can we say 114 degrees?!?! I mean, the sunshine is…
Friday was Micah’s 40th birthday. I wanted to throw an epic party…like a forget you have kids for 5 minutes and recreate the wild carefree days of your youth kind of party. Go to some über cool club and…
The first time I went to this magical place was to decorate a cake for A’s 1st birthday party. I’ve always been mildly obsessed with cake decorating shows and competitions on the food network, so being able to go…
Some of us know that special days like Father’s Day happen annually and prepare far in advance…and then some of us wait until three days before to decide that we should, well, do something. It’s not out of lack…
Beach. Summer. BBQ. The recipe for a classic Memorial Day of family fun…but what do you do if you don’t have a yard, don’t feel like braving the beach with millions of other Angelinos and tourists, and don’t have any…