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Family Living Local Tot Spot

Fall Fun at Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch

Nothing says fall like a pumpkin patch in 90 degree heat – at least that’s how we roll in Los Angeles.  There are many things this East Coast girl misses on the left coast, and fall is definitely top of the list. The first crisp in the air, the smell of winter around the corner (and yes, it has a smell), picking apples, the list goes on. We have been in Los Angeles for 5 years now, and I’ve managed to…

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Family Style

Holiday Family Photo Shoot: What to Wear!

Every year we do a holiday family photo shoot for our Christmas card photos (that are usually sent in late January, because, well…life). We have them done by the amazing photographer Brienne Michelle who is the sweetest and always…

Family Living

Halloween Tradition: Boo it Forward!

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Walmart have partnered to celebrate the release of Ghostbusters: Answer the Call Extended Edition now on Blu-Ray by spreading the tradition of “Booing it Forward” for Halloween this year.  When their PR rep reached out…

Family Living

DIY Train Conductor Costume

Last year, I decided to be super ambitious and make a Train Conductor costume for Halloween.  I must admit, I had an inappropriate amount of fun making it, and was incredibly proud when I saw how happy this colorful little box of…

Family Living

5 Great Last Minute Father’s Day Ideas

Some of us know that special days like Father’s Day happen annually and prepare far in advance…and then some of us wait until three days before to decide that we should, well, do something. It’s not out of lack…