Family Screen Free Living

Screen-free Activity: Recycled Yogurt Cup Monster


Recycled Yogurt Cup Monster

Items you will need

  • clean, empty yogurt cup (we used a Tillamook greek yogurt cup)
  • tacky glue
  • feathers
  • ribbon
  • googely eyes
  • elastic
  • scissors & a pen



  1. Use the pen to poke a hole in the center of the bottom of the cup.  You may need to use scissors to widen the hole slightly. img_3669
  2. String the elastic through the hole and tie a knot on the other side so that it stays in place.
  3. If possible, remove the outer label of the cup.  The Tillamook cup label pulled right off leaving a plain cup to use. img_3673
  4. Glue on the ribbon and feathers in any way you want!  We glued the feathers on the cup sticking up, then attached the ribbon to the inside of the cup so they hung down. img_3675
  5. Add the eyes to your monster
  6. Let it dry and play!

This is a great way to repurpose recyclables!  If you don’t have feathers or ribbon or anything fancy, you can still do this activity with good old construction paper, paint, glitter, stickers…really anything at all.  Have your little ones help you cut and glue construction paper onto the yogurt cup and then let them decorate with crayons, markers and stickers.  They can get creative and turn the cup into anything they imagine it to be – a car, a monster, a bug, a space ship…anything goes!

Tag us on social media @rockinmamalife with your awesome yogurt cup creations!


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