About a year ago, I sat down with Gina Starbuck, a former professional dancer/choreographer who left behind a successful career in entertainment, working with artists like Prince and Patty Labelle to pursue a career as an intuit, transformational coach, NLP practitioner and Reiki Master. At the time we spoke she was just beginning her career transition focusing on supporting new moms through coaching and reiki. Since then, she has co-founded Awake & Soulful where she hosts incredible retreats.
During our interview, we dive into how her priorities, and insight on the world shifted after having her daughter Jade, and get deep into body image, relationships and the need for more support for post-partum moms – all things that led her to seek something more for herself.
Her story is a great example of how despite having success in one field, it doesn’t mean that is all you are capable or destined for. How sometimes in life, goals, dreams and desires shift and change. We talk about how to reconcile the ‘life you once had’ with the one you are living now, and how to be confident in your decision to close one chapter and move on to the next.
You can find out more about Gina and Awake & Soulful at www.ginastarbuck.com or www.awakeandsoulful.com.

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