5. Coping with trauma: fractured skulls and facebook drama

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Rock This Life
5. Coping with trauma: fractured skulls and facebook drama

Sometimes life is interrupted, and sometimes it shatters before your eyes on a random Monday morning.

Three months ago, my daughter fell and fractured her skull. And I haven’t written or really talked about it since it happened.

Writing has always been a kind of mental release for me. For some reason when I put it on paper (or a computer screen) and out into the universe, it allows me to let go. It allows the thoughts, fears or insecurities cycling in my mind to slow down.

When I had a traumatic birth experience, I wrote about it. When I had a miscarriage, I wrote about it. When I was suffering from postpartum anxiety and depression, I wrote about it. But, when Emerson fell and fractured her skull, I did not write about it. I didn’t talk about it. I avoided conversations about it. I convinced myself that once we passed the three month mark where we didn’t have to walk on eggshells in fear of any slight bump to the head I would just move on with life as usual forgetting about that morning.

But out of nowhere, this week, I got sucked into a mommy war on Facebook that made it clear I had some unresolved emotions surrounding the accident. I owed myself the opportunity to put it out into the universe and start to let go so I can move forward.

In this week’s podcast, I dive into what happened the morning my 15 month old daughter fell and fractured her skull. I discuss the guilt, the ruminating thoughts, and the endless anxiety that sits in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

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