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Bad Moms Premiere

Tuesday night I got the chance to go and see a preview of Bad Moms premiering in theatres TODAY!

I must preface this with saying Tuesday night was officially the FIRST time I’ve ever gone to a movie by myself.  It was a strange experience that brought up a couple of setbacks.

1.  I can never decide on where to sit and will notoriously select and reselect seats until the movie begins forcing Micah to begrudgingly move with me every time I decide we should sit somewhere else.  This obviously made my arrival to the theatre super awkward because without the pressure of someone else urging me to “just pick somewhere!” I thought for a moment I might spend the duration of the movie just wandering up the aisles trying to decide where to sit.  I finally chose a back row seat somewhat near the middle.

2.  I remembered why I hardly ever go to see movies in the theatre (aside from it being insanely expensive and never being able to get a sitter) – the sound of people chomping down popcorn makes my skin crawl and is insanely distracting during the movie.  I once read an article (circulated via Facebook sooooo maybe not the most reliably sound, but whatevs)  that said my inability to handle the sound of people crunching their food indicates that I am actually of advanced intelligence and creativity and have access to a part of my brain that others don’t and that’s why I’m über sensitive to sounds.  Whether this is complete BS and I’m just super bat shit crazy, I will never know, but I like to believe I’m incredibly gifted as opposed to awkwardly flawed.  So yeah…the people I chose to sit next to were super enthusiastic popcorn eaters and their popcorn seemed to replenish itself throughout the entire movie.

3.  Being pregnant and choosing a seat in the back row and middle makes it super awkward when half way through the movie you have to pee REALLY REALLY badly.

Indecision, crunching and potty breaks aside…I am really glad I went.  It was a cute movie with a great message that would make for a great moms night out.

Bad Moms was made by the same folks that made Hangover…which I loathed…so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually laughed out loud several times during the flick.  Full disclosure: there were also several scenes that I thought were just not at all amusing in that “over the top” “goes a little too far” “shocking just to be shocking” humor kind of way.  It’s dripping with “mom” stereotypes, and is insanely predictable and obvious…but it’s a fun little flick nonetheless.  Mila Kunis’ speech at the end is something every mom should hear and take to heart…and I LOVE Kristen Bell’s character as the frazzled stay at home mom complete with a macaroni necklace she rocks like it’s from Anthropologie.

While it’s clearly not going to be the definitive movie moment of the year, it is a fun movie that would make for a great mom’s night out.  And the highlight for me was the ending credits where each of the lead actresses sit down with their actual moms and their moms talk about all the “mistakes” they made.  It’s heartfelt, funny and honest.

Grab your mom tribe, book seats at one of the fancy theaters you can eat and drink at, and have a fun little mom’s night out watching Bad Moms…cause it’s way more fun to do less and be a ‘bad mom’ sometimes (especially when you can do it unabashedly guilt free!)


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