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sleep training

Family Living Wellness

Afternoon Preschool = NO SLEEP EVER!

As you all know, we started preschool…and we are in the afternoon program.  At first I was super bummed about being in the afternoon, but then realized it was actually pretty awesome.  You can read about why afternoon preschool is the bees knees here! But there is one massive, giant, horrific downfall to afternoon preschool.  And that is SLEEP…or the ultimate lack thereof. Basically here’s the deal.  If you send your kiddo to the afternoon program…you and he/she will no…

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Sleep Training – Night #1

Last night I sat on the couch at exactly 7:11 pm (11 minutes after laying Avery down in the elusive drowsy yet awake state) confused.  First of all, I should clarify that my mommy and me instructor is somewhat…