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diaper bag

Family Friday Favorites Obsessions Style

Diaper Bag Essentials with A Toddler and Preschooler

The first thing I did after my oldest was old enough to not NEED a diaper bag was get a regular tote that I could use instead.  Then I got pregnant again and the thought of getting another bag that screams I HAVE DIAPERS INSIDE made me a little sad.  I’m not a big ‘bag’ person.  I typically use 1 purse and use it until it is unusable and get a new one.  I do however like quality bags that…

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Family Style

The only 5 things you need in your diaper bag

Two of my close friends recently welcomed adorable baby boys into the world and became first time moms.  Talking to them has brought back memories of sleepless nights, marathon breastfeeding and feelings of overwhelming love mixed with undertones of…